Ouch, been a while since my last post....where does the time go??? If anyone figures this out, lemme know!!!
Not a lot to share right now, my life is pretty boring.....seem to spend most of my time either in the gym or eating, LOL, the life of a figure competitor. Training is going REALLY well, although I think my trainer is at times trying to kill me....THANK YOU Ash (Ahsa Belisle), I really do love you!!!! My actual weight training has been cut back to 2 days and one mini day/week, cardio is 6 days/week, most days twice a day. We've started incorporating harder cardio like hill running, sprints, plyometrics and walking lunges and it's made a huge difference, really noticed some huge changes in my physique since I started working with Asha. I will definitely come in a touch smaller this year and a LOT more streamlined, with all this cardio my legs will be off the hook, haha!!!! Sorry, my inner ghetto child coming out.....
I've also been spending a lot of time working with my clients that are competing, the season starts June 6 in Alberta. I can't wait to see how my girls do, they've all been doing so well and have been busting their butts! It's so rewarding for me to be able to give back to the sport by helping people get on stage.....I feel like such a proud Momma and bawl like a baby every single time I see one of my girls up there, what a feeling!!!!! I'm really proud of all of my athletes and hopefully, with their permission I can post some pics.
Other than training and working with my girls, I've been having my back tattoo worked on lately. One of my clients that's competing this year in figure, Cara Humphries at the Ink Shack (email me if you'd like her contact info, she's THE BEST!), has been working on it for me.....I'm sure she's enjoying her turn to inflict some torture on me, haha!!!! I'm making the tattoo "girlier" by adding my favorite flowers along with my Grandmother's, Mom's and Step-Mom's favorite flowers. I can't wait until it's done, now let's hope it doesn't show on stage too much!!!!
As contest season approaches, I will be for sure posting a lot more often.....I'll even post the dreaded progress pics, ugh!!!!! Changes to the site will also be coming soon, so check back often and please feel free to drop me a line!!!
Train hard, stay healthy!
xo, Jamie
My wrist tattoo in memory of my beloved Boo....for those of you that know me, you know how much I loved this guy!!!! You will always be remembered Boo-boo kitty, I love you! And ya, that actually is his paw print.

The original tattoo.....8 hours of work, 12 years old!
Tattoo after first session, about 3 hours...just the outline is done.
Tattoo halfway done!!!! Spider Mum in blue, Hydrangea in purple, Cherry Blossom in the middle. Going to be so pretty!!!