Sunday, May 20, 2007

I officially declare my scale a BIG FAT LIAR!!!! Nothing moving, but I do look different...sigh. Oh well, the trials and tribulations of dieting! I guess that's what my trainer's for...let him worry about it!!!!

Just started cardio last week for the first time since JULY!!!! I can't believe I started cardio at 12 weeks this point previously, I'd have been doing well over an hour daily! I'm only doing 3 actual cardio sessions of varying length and 2 ciruit style sessions....they kick m a@#! But I guess that's what needs to be done, so on with the show!!!

Happy Day!

1 comment:

Sashel said...

Hi Jamie,

Got a very nice Video of you send to me over Youtube. So i found your website and blog. Very nice Pics you posted in May - really love them.

But you didnt blog since then - so keep it up. Here is someone interested in your Progress :)

Is your scale still a big fat liar, as mine is?

Greets all the way from Germany